  • The Conscious Self

Coming to Consciousness

  • May 18, 2023
  • |
  • 2 minute read

It’s been a long road to waking up! For me coming to consciousness wasn’t an easy task nor was it something I even realised I had been doing up until recently.

I’m sure if you are reading this you may resonate with this, the fact that you didn’t know it was the work till you woke up! For me the path was a difficult one, I am an all or nothing type of guy. If I was going to doing something you can bet it did it to the point where it wasn’t enjoyable and I suppose that brings me back to the old adage – “suffering is the way”, and its true through the suffering of over doing all the bad things in life came a profound awakening within myself, through the cracks shone the light as it were. We don’t need to go in to detail on how hard or difficult the journey was, that’s a story for another day, but it is important for me to recognise how important those hard times were for me. How many lessons I learnt, how much growth they forced out of me, how much wisdom they gifted me which now allows me to help others from a place of recognition, empathy and understanding. I now consider those hard times as a trial by fire, character building events that shaped the person I am today… that’s not to say I would do it all over again but none the less, I am grateful.

And this, this is how The Conscious Self was born. Through an urge to help others to live more consciously, more in touch within themselves, more in touch with nature and more aligned with their true nature.

A person once said to me you either grow from two places, inspiration, or desperation. I’d like to hope that this app, the people involved, the information, my and all the other practitioner’s wisdom can be the inspiration for others or if they are going through the dark times that this app and all involved are a beam of light in a dark place.

Big love Conscious Souls,


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